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A very flat organization still needs a leadership. This is ours. Click to read more about their background, dreams and visions. And for the sake of transparency: Feel free to get in touch with them if needed. We've provided you with links to their LinkedIn-profiles.

Management team

The Arelion management team is responsible for setting the company strategy and running the operations of our organization.

Daniel Kurgan, CEO

Daniel Kurgan was appointed as the CEO of Arelion in October 2023. Prior to this, he served as Board Executive of Arelion. With over 25 years of experience in a variety of roles within the industry, ranging from Account Manager to CEO of BICS, and Chairman of TeleSign, Daniel is a native French-speaking Belgian citizen and the proud father of two grown-up children.

Charles Gill, CFO

Charles joined Arelion in March 2024, bringing with him over 30 years of finance experience across various sectors, with the most dominant being IT. He is known for his hands-on and engaged approach to business operations.


Embracing change as a catalyst for growth, Charles recognizes the pivotal role of adaptation in today's dynamic industries, including finance.

Outside of work, Charles' two children serve as his guides, introducing him to contemporary slang and new music. Additionally, he channels his creativity into renovation projects during his weekends.

Ebba Waltré, VP General Counsel and People & Culture

Ebba leads Arelion’s global team of Legal and People & Culture professionals, serving as a member of Arelion Management Team and fulfilling the role of Secretary of the Board of Directors.


As VP General Counsel, Ebba oversees critical areas such as legal operations, commercial contracts, compliance, and legal governances. In her role as VP People & Culture, she is responsible for the development and implementation of strategic initiatives to foster a positive workplace culture, including professional development, compensation and benefits, and employee engagement. Digital transformation initiatives to enhance processes are key for both Legal and People & Culture. With a wealth of international experience, Ebba has previously served as General Counsel at Resolution Games and VP Legal and Contract Management Europe at UnitedLex/DXC Technology. Ebba has three children and her favorite place to be is on the ski slopes, surrounded by family and friends.

Johan Ottosson, VP Strategy

Johan Ottosson’s career is founded on two things: curiosity and exploration. And, not to mention, an MSc. degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology. (...)
As an experienced strategist and manager, Johan led the development of growth strategies, M&A and long-term corporate strategic planning across various industries, before zeroing in on communications and technology. After ten years at a global consulting firm, Johan found Arelion. Faced with task of extending its current leadership in wholesale while innovating further around global connectivity, Johan decided to take on the role as Vice President Strategy. Johan believes that a firm commitment to innovation is the key to staying competitive, especially in an industry undergoing such profound transformations as the ICT market. His experience has also taught him that innovation is not defined by organizational charts and that many of the best ideas come from those on the front line, working with customers or engineering the network. Beyond the office walls, music is an important part of Johan’s life. Niche and indie bands are his thing – that, and the sounds of his two small children.

Scott Nichols, CCO

Scott leads Arelion’s global data Sales and Sales Operations teams. Based in Richardson, TX, Scott is a seasoned technology solutions sales executive and brings more than 25 years of data, technology, and sales enablement experience to this role.

His specialty is building and managing high-performance sales organizations in an extremely competitive marketplace. Scott believes that the combination of Arelion’s global network assets, solution portfolio, and a history of delighting our customers, coupled with a dynamic marketplace, makes this an ideal environment to leverage his skillset and experience. Outside of the office, when Scott is not spending time with his wife and three children, he enjoys fly-fishing and seeing live music of all types.

Dariusz Solowiej, VP Network Technology & Customer Operations

Dariusz has more than 20 years’ experience in the telco industry. He is highly skilled at building and refining both new and existing technology solutions, to deliver the greatest possible customer value. His extensive knowledge of programming, data science, analytics and machine learning helps him to identify and embrace emerging patterns and trends. (...)
Dariusz possesses strong analytical skills and financial knowledge - a powerful combination that helps him master budgets and forecasting, as well as production and TCO (total cost of ownership) models for diverse network production platforms. At Arelion, he works tirelessly with his team to continuously improve service quality - for greater customer satisfaction and value. When he’s not doing that, he enjoys travelling and reading books. For him, a day without reading is a day wasted!

Maja Sever, CMO

Maja was appointed CMO of Arelion in March 2019. She is on a mission to spread the word about all the great things Arelion does in the world of connectivity and acquire some new customers along the way. (...)
Maja’s passion is building strong global brands, along with creating powerful teams and motivated them to think greater than great. She has extensive experience from driving marketing and communications in international B2B and B2C environments, from both large and medium corporations within telecoms, IT, and finance. She describes herself as a strategist with a tactical spirit. A native Serbian, Maja has lived and worked in the US, Sweden, Belgium, and Serbia, with ‘global’ being the red thread in her career and personal life. A while ago she started a fashion company but realized shortly after that she has more to give in the world of marketing and communications. And she never looked back.

Mattias Fridström, Chief Evangelist

There’s a certain type of person who gets a little bit too excited about networks. Mattias is that guy. If he had a tattoo, it would be of a network. His knowledge is mind-boggling and his passion irrepressible. (...)
He offers deep insights into the networked economy. What are the challenges of tomorrow for network providers? How can we meet ever-increasing traffic demand and customer quality expectations within the same cost frame? Mattias holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wollongong, Australia. Since joining Telia in 1996, he has worked in a number of senior roles within Arelion and most recently as CTO. Since July 2016 he has been Arelion’s Chief Evangelist. Mattias’ passion isn’t limited to networks: He has played golf professionally and competed on a national level in football and innebandy. Although he has a reputation when it comes to sports as being the “worst loser at Arelion”, he is working hard to overcome this – by not losing to anyone. At anything. Ever.

Board of Directors

The Arelion Board of Directors was appointed in 2021, following the divestment of Arelion from Telia Company.

Peter Bäärnhielm, Chairman of the Board

Peter Bäärnhielm is a Capital Markets specialist at Wigge & Partners Advokat KB with more than 35 years’ experience both as a lawyer in private practice and from investment and commercial banking including as Head of Nordic Investment Banking, Carnegie Investment Bank, Co-head of Corporates & Institutions, Danske Bank Sweden and from SEB Enskilda.  (...)
Peter is a member of the Swedish Securities Council. Peter is also a board member of Utvecklingsaktiebolaget Laburnum, Briban Invest AB, Stiftelsen Borgerskapets Enkehus och Gubbhus and STC interfinans AB.

Anna Elmfeldt, Board Member

The CEO of Polhem Infra, Anna is an internationally experienced investment professional with over 20 years of expertise in infrastructure transactions across the Nordic region. Besides Arelion, Anna is also a director of the Board at Solör Bioenergi and has previous experience as the Chair of Kraftkvinnorna and in a Board position at A-train.

Jonas Olsson, Board Member

Jonas Olsson is a seasoned legal professional with over 30 years of experience. He earned his law degree from the University of Lund in 1993 and has held various roles at Telia from 2000 to 2023, including corporate lawyer and M&A specialist. In addition to his Board assignment with Arelion, he is the Legal Counsel at Polhem Infra and a Board member of Solör Bioenergi Holding AB.

Britta Dalunde, Board Member

Britta is a professional Board member and advisor, specializing in strategies and business models. She has 25 years of experience in Board assignments within both public and private companies. Britta has been active in various industries, including IT, technology consulting, life science, manufacturing, service, retail, infrastructure, transportation, and travel.

Johnny Svedberg, Board member

More than 35 years of experience within telecom and IT globally. Previous roles include COO at Indonesian telecom operator IndosatOoredoo, COO at Tele2, CEO of Teracom AB, and CEO of Infocare AS.